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Sabrina Hahn – Hort with Heart, introduces the Grow Safe Residential range of mineral fertilisers and soil microbial products.
Sabrina Hahn discusses fertilising native Australian plants such as grevilleas, verticordia and hakea.
Sabrina Hahn discusses the fundamentals of composting, as well methods to both fortify and expedite the natural process.
Sabrina Hahn discusses the value of trace elements, particularly for the nutrient density of home grown food.
Sabrina Hahn discusses fertiliser application rates, timing, frequency and suitability for a range of fruit trees.
Sabrina Hahn discusses the importance maintaining earthworms in the garden ecosystem.
Fungal hyphae, found in the earth’s crust create good soil structure, stable carbon sequestration, water retention and nutrient availability for other species.
Starting a garden from the bare earth can be a daunting experience, particularly if you are a novice gardener, but here are some handy tips!
All about the two different types of pollination, as well as the host of insects, birdlife and mammals that assist plant reproduction.
Find out more about Grow Safe® agricultural products, services and trial history.
Find out more about Grow Safe® home garden retail, trade and rural residential products.
Copyright Grow Safe® 2024
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Seasons greetings from the team at Grow Safe®!
Australian Mineral Fertilisers will be closed from midday the 20th of December 2024 till the 5th of January 2025. Online purchases during this period will be processed in the new year. Please get in touch and we will get back to shortly.